Sandra RAPP


Sandra RAPP is a Counsel in the Employment and Social department. She joined the firm from a magic circle law firm in Luxembourg in 2012.

She advises national and international clients in employment and social law matters. She advises on employment contracts, staff representation and particularly assists her clients in cross-border issues (posting of workers, supply of manpower, social security aspects). Sandra also handles transfers of undertakings, dismissals and termination procedures.


In addition to her legal practice, she is also a lecturer in labour law at the EIC Trier – IHK/HWK – Europa- und Innovationscentre GmbH, the Chambre des Métiers and the House of Training.

II. State Legal Examination, 2005

I. State legal examination, 2003

Law Studies, University of Trier, 2003

Certificate of French and English Legal Studies (FFA), 2003

English, French, German, Luxembourgish

Legal500 EMEA, 2024 - Recommended lawyer, Employment



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